torsdag den 17. juli 2014

Jones Orange Cream

This is another excellent treat from the good people at Jones, whose labels are made from fan photos sent to them. The vanilla and caramel flavours are in the background allowing the taste of fresh orange and the cane sugar to take the spotlight. While it does not bring anything new to the world of soft drinks, this is once again a really good effort from Jones and, definitely, a great soda.

lørdag den 12. juli 2014

Jones Blue Bubblegum

First of all, Jones Blue Bubblegum looks amazing. It looks excactly what a great soda should look like. The blue colour promises a dream world in which life is determined by the likes of Willy Wonka and Walt Disney. When soda is poured in the glass, the ocean like colour becomes even more beautiful. The immediate smell of old-time bubblegum is a burst of greatness in itself. And finally, it tastes really good as well - not overstating the sweetness but rather focus on the power of the blue flavour. This is pure happiness put into a bottle and definitely a great soda.

onsdag den 9. juli 2014

Guaraná Antarctica

Guaraná Antarctica comes from Brazil - a place where people seem to enjoy life more than other people. This soda may explain some.... First of all Guaraná Antarctica is a fantastic name for a soda. Just say it out loud and you are allready smiling. The colour and the consistency remind me of a lighter beer. The taste is lurking in background without disturbing the freshness. It is a soda that you will never ever grow tired of. It actually grows on you the more you drink. It is round and not too sweet but perfectly balanced between the guaraná berries and hints of syrup. And it is definitely a great soda.

søndag den 6. juli 2014

Death Valley Orange Cream

The worst dillema of all times. You want a fresh orange soda, but you also want a thrilling cream soda. What on earth would you do? Well, it´s actually easy. Go to San Francisco, rent a car, drive more than a thousand miles into the middle of nowhere in the desert, find a place called Furnace Creek Ranch and buy yourself a Death Vally Orange Cream soda. And yes, it is as great as it sounds! The freshness of oranges and sugar mixed with caramel and vanilla. Definitely worth the whole trip and a great soda.

Real Fraise

We all know that the French are capaple of making excellent lemonade. The country has the natural climate for fruits like lemons an oranges, which easily compose tastes which mixed with sugar can thrill every taste bud in the world. But how will they tackle the disciplin of making a strawberry soda? The first thing you see right away is the impressive colour, when the soda is poured into a glass. The neon red, strawberry-like finish makes the glass litteraly opaque with red. The taste of mature strawberries shines through and makes it less artificial-tasting compared to other strawberry sodas. Still though, it manages not to taste heavy, but makes you ache for more. This is, indubitablement, a great soda.

fredag den 2. maj 2014

Uludağ Gazoz

Uludağ Gazoz...what a catchy name for a soda! This is a Turkish soda, that takes my breath away. The label information is really sparse, but it has a strong sense of fresh fruit. Its sweetness lies in the background of the overall impression of a fresh soda without too much sugar. Hard to describe, easy to enjoy. A great soda.

fredag den 25. april 2014

Cherry Tree Cola

This is another fantastic soda from the amazing organic brewery at Fentimans. Sometimes I just get carried away by Fentimans - and quite often because of their Cherry Tree Cola. The name suggests a cherry taste, but it is far more than that. It is actually a complicated mix of cola, ginger and all sorts of herbs. In the beginning it is almost like your tastebuds cannot comprehend all the different colours in the taste painting but after a short while, it captures everything that is great in this poor world. Oh, and it is definitely a great soda.